The 2024 Clean Sweep Certificate Certificate applications for 2024 will open at the start of the special event. For information about the certificate, please contact . Congratulations to the 18 2023 certificate awardees! AB6KX | K1CPJ | K8HMS | KB8ZIO | KC7UXM | KD8TSA | KD9WWA | KE8INN | KE8PX | KN4RFT | N3HIS | N8JEN | N8MRB | N8OFP | NT4J | VE3IDT | VE3YOB | W2NTN | | | |

Applications for the 2024 certificate will open at the start of the event and remain open until December 31, 2024. To qualify for the Certificate of Achievement, work any ten of the twelve Fire Prevention Week stations. All of the N*F stations, KF2IRE and VE3FIRE count toward your certificate!
Note: Please be aware that the Clean Sweep certificate is intentionally a challenge to earn, not a participation prize. Dozens of hams do earn it every year by skill and diligence. All of the the Fire Prevention Week stations were on the air, some more than others. Also, all of stations are run by volunteers. Many of the station owners and operators are emergency responders, and may get busy responding to emergencies. If you would like to see more activity from a particular station, and you are in that station's region, please consider volunteering next year. If you have any questions about the certificate, please |