
October 15, 2023

That's a wrap! The 2023 Fire Prevention Week Special Event is in the logbooks.

I've received a more-than-average number of complaints this year about this or that station not being on the air, or not being on much. I will emphasize,
all twelve FPW stations were active. Some only through the innovation of our senior operators; see below.

But I would like to decrease the total griping going forward. So I'm going to change the certificate structure and am considering the best way to do that.

Here are my preliminary thoughts. The Clean Sweep certificate should remain with the same qualifications as before: 10 of 12 special event stations worked (or all stations minus two if not all 12 can activate.) In addition, we would also issue a Participation Certificate for those operators who work fewer than 10. 

I personally feel that this will keep the challenge and honor of working a Clean Sweep alive for those who are able to achieve it, and offer some reward for those who just want to commemorate their participation in the event.

This decision is not yet final. Constructive comments are welcome.

October 7, 2023

Some good news. Bob Lightner has found a remote station in region 0 that is available for use by his students at K4WTL. So we will have at least some region 0 coverage. We are seeking other operators who wish to activate region 0 for Fire Prevention Week. Please contact if you can help!

September 19, 2023

Station N0F is in the process of being reorganized. We are actively seeking operators for N0F.


N0F operators must operate from FCC region 0 (Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.)

Please contact WX2S if you are in FCC region 0 and are able to activate N0F during Fire Prevention Week.


If we are unable to activate N0F this year, we will adjust the Clean Sweep Certificate requirements accordingly.  

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2024 Fire Prevention Week
Amateur Radio Special Event

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